Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Graphing on your calculator!

Ok so there is another method to solving problems in physics and other areas that is often over looked outside of your math class.

That is the graph:

A great example would be the woman and the bus problem:

Graph the bus stop position as Y1 on your calculator
Graph the postion of the bus as Y2
     Notice anything?
Graph the woman as Y3
Ugghh  again you notice anything?

What does the graph tell you?

Click HERE
Any Questions you have be sure to post.  Some people have had a deep and personal relationship with their calculator for years others have ignored like them like the  many cafeteria workers.
 Barely scratching the surface.  Come to find out they are far more important and useful than you may realize...  Take some time and get to know them.

Running out of Time


A world-class runner can complete a 100 m dash in about 10 s. Past studies have shown that runners in such a race accelerate uniformly for a time t and then run at constant speed for the remainder of the race. A world-class runner is visiting your physics class. You are to develop a procedure that will allow you to determine the uniform acceleration a and an approximate value of t for the runner in a 100 m dash. By necessity your experiment will be done on a straight track and include your whole class of eleven students.

(a) By checking the line next to each appropriate item in
the list below, select the equipment, other than the runner and the track, that your class will need to do the experiment.
____ Stopwatches ____ Tape measures ____ Rulers ____Masking tape____ Metersticks ____ Starter’s pistol ____ String ____ Chalk

(b) Outline the procedure that you would use to determine a and t, including a labeled diagram of the experimental setup. Use symbols to identify carefully
what measurements you would make and include in your procedure how you would use each piece of the equipment you checked in part (a).

(c) Outline the process of data analysis, including how
you will identify the portion of the race that has uniform
acceleration, and how you would calculate the uniform acceleration.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Problems in Motion


  • Work out 10 problems (answer sheets)
    • 7th Edition
      • 8,11,18,36,55
    • 9th
      • 10,13,88,71,60
      • you need 10 points worth of questions
        • *=2point
        • **=4 points
        • no stars =1point
        • Answers to odds are in the back of the book(focus on odds so you can check)

Friday, September 18, 2015

Browser Checker

Does my internet Browser do what I need it to do?
Check Here

Comment below if you have issues so we can address them!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Physics B Poppin

Calculate the time of a pop.
The acceleration of a pop.
The 3 of gs on the popper.

What are the key ideas and skill required to accomplish this task?
Post Below