Monday, February 29, 2016

  • Start to work on the packet.  Post Ideas questions thoughts about what you are learning on the blog...
  • Start with reading what the analogy for the the electrical quantities are in
    •  Intro to Basic Electronics
  • Unit Objectives:
    • Objectives

      After studying the material of this chapter, the student should be able to:
      1. Explain how a simple battery can produce an electrical current.
      2. Define current, ampere, emf, voltage, resistance, resistivity, and temperature coefficient of resistance.
      3. Write the symbols used for volatage, electric current, resistance, resistivity, temperature coefficient of resistance and power and state the unit associated with each quantity.
      4. Distinguish between a) conventional current and electron current and b) direct current and alternating current.
      5. Know the symbols used to represent a source of emf, resistor, voltmeter, and ammeter and how to interpret a simple circuit diagram.
      6. Given the length, cross sectional area, resistivity, and temperature coefficient of resistance, determine a wire's resistance at room temperature and some higher or lower temperature.
      7. Solve simple dc circuit problems using Ohm's law.
      8. Use the equations for electric power to determine the power and energy dissipated in a resistor and calculate the cost of this energy to the consumer.
    • MC QUIZ 
    • Bonus Video 2!
    • Introduction to Basic Electronics 


  1. The simulator does not work on a smartphone. Is there any other way we can access it at a different site that works?

  2. It does not work on my computers at home

  3. The software on my computer won't recognize the file.

  4. This is why you er to do this on a computer and try it before the last day before it's due see: "Pell's theorem". You must enable Java...
