Friday, September 30, 2016

AP Lab Problem

Note: the muddiest point is the word derivative...

  • The term itself is not important to this course but simply stated the derivative is the slope of the tangent
  • So the slope of the tangent of the position vs. time is the velocity 

LAB Tuesday /Wednesday Dress appropriately 
Possibly outdoors!!!
DUE: 10.7.2016
Note card :
with key PSS
Outline of procedure
Notes on error
Graph sketches
(Use feed back and guide to improve responses)

15 points

  • Come up with ideas to discuss with your lab partners
  • What are some errors that result from your procedure
  • How can error  be minimized.

A world-class runner can complete a 100 m dash in about 10 s. Past studies have shown that runners in such a race accelerate uniformly for a time t and then run at constant speed for the remainder of the race. A world-class runner is visiting your physics class. You are to develop a procedure that will allow you to determine the uniform acceleration a and an approximate value of t for the runner in a 100 m dash. By necessity your experiment will be done on a straight track and include your whole class of eleven students.
  1. (a)  Bycheckingthelinenexttoeachappropriateiteminthelistbelow,selecttheequipment,otherthantherunner and the track, that your class will need to do the experiment.
    ____Stopwatches ____Tape measures ____ Rulers ____ Masking tape
    ____Metersticks ____ Starter's pistol ____ String ____ Chalk
  2. (b)  Outlinetheprocedurethatyouwouldusetodetermineaandt,includingalabeleddiagramoftheexperimental setup. Use symbols to identify carefully what measurements you would make and include in your procedure how you would use each piece of the equipment you checked in part (a).

(c)  Outline the process of data analysis, including how you will identify the portion of the race that has uniform acceleration, and how you would calculate the uniform acceleration. 

  • Keep in mind key problem solving strategies
  • Sketch a graph of the position vs t grap
  • Sketch remainder graphs.(with critical point labeled.

AP Lab Problem

Note: the muddiest point is the word derivative...

  • The term itself is not important to this course but simply stated the derivative is the slope of the tangent
  • So the slope of the tangent of the position vs. time is the velocity 

LAB Tuesday /Wednesday Dress appropriately 
Possibly outdoors!!!
DUE: 10.7.2016
Note card :
with key PSS
Outline of procedure
Notes on error
Graph sketches
(Use feed back and guide to improve responses)

15 points

  • Come up with ideas to discuss with your lab partners
  • What are some errors that result from your procedure
  • How can error  be minimized.

A world-class runner can complete a 100 m dash in about 10 s. Past studies have shown that runners in such a race accelerate uniformly for a time t and then run at constant speed for the remainder of the race. A world-class runner is visiting your physics class. You are to develop a procedure that will allow you to determine the uniform acceleration a and an approximate value of t for the runner in a 100 m dash. By necessity your experiment will be done on a straight track and include your whole class of eleven students.
  1. (a)  Bycheckingthelinenexttoeachappropriateiteminthelistbelow,selecttheequipment,otherthantherunner and the track, that your class will need to do the experiment.
    ____Stopwatches ____Tape measures ____ Rulers ____ Masking tape
    ____Metersticks ____ Starter's pistol ____ String ____ Chalk
  2. (b)  Outlinetheprocedurethatyouwouldusetodetermineaandt,includingalabeleddiagramoftheexperimental setup. Use symbols to identify carefully what measurements you would make and include in your procedure how you would use each piece of the equipment you checked in part (a).

(c)  Outline the process of data analysis, including how you will identify the portion of the race that has uniform acceleration, and how you would calculate the uniform acceleration. 

  • Keep in mind key problem solving strategies
  • Sketch a graph of the position vs t grap
  • Sketch remainder graphs.(with critical point labeled.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Graphical Analysis Motion

  • Use the methods of graphical analysis to:
    • define describe differentiate
      • acceleration
      • velocity
      • position
    • refrain from using the word it
      • be able to:
        • complete the remainder of the position velocity and acceleration graphs description, picture
          • given:
            • a graph
            • a description
            • an equation
            • data table
            • diagram
        • describe the mathematical context of the graph
          • quantity
          • intercept
          •  slope
        • state the physical/mathematical identity 
        • write the general form of the equation in relation to the graph 
        • Draw a picture of the motion in question.
    • MOVING MAN APP (Requires java)

Friday, September 16, 2016

Take 5

Practice problem solving strategies.
Choose any 5 problems!  Try to challenge yourself.  Odds answers are in the back of the book.
The assignment is not about the answers it is about PSS.  If you exhibit good PSS you will get the answer!!!
Discuss Problems on the blog.  Include key questions and question #.
  • Case 1 Single object traveling with no change in motion
  • Case 2 More than 1 object  (DAY 5 & 6)
    • apply all the same ideas but separate the object as if they were entirely different problems
  • Case 3 Object changes motion after some point 
  • Key skill->  Equation selection
    • ***Understand the difference between the variables*** 
      • Note:  Not all books use the same notation
      • Ex:
      • What is u in the equation below?
      • What is s?
      • Image result for SUVAT
    • Use the check list in your book to determine the related quantities
    • Be able to write dumb equations like Xw=Xb  & tw=tb  SEE CASE 2

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Day #4-6 Problems Solving Strategies


HW:  Physics B Popp'n
  • Play with your popper
  • make observations about the motion
  • What questions do you have?
  • put it in the context of what we did in class today

Monday, September 12, 2016

Day 3 Introduction to Kinematics

Introduction to Kinematics
  • Define Describe and differentiate 
    • position
    • distance
    • displacement
  • Application:
    • determine the distance and displacement an object travels given its initail and final position.



After studying the material of this chapter, you should be able to:
1. State from memory the meaning of the key terms and phrases used in kinematics.
2. List the SI unit and its abbreviation associated with displacement, velocity, acceleration, and time.
3. Describe the motion of an object relative to a particular frame of reference.
4. Differentiate between a vector quantity and a scalar quantity and state which quantities used in kinematics are vector quantities and which are scalar quantities.
5. State from memory the meaning of the symbols used in kinematics: x, xo, v, vo, a, y, yo, vy, vyo, g, t.
6. Write from memory the equations used to describe uniformly accelerated motion.
7. Complete a data table using information both given and implied in word problems.
8. Use the completed data table to solve word problems.
9. Use the methods of graphical analysis to determine the instantaneous acceleration at a point in time and the distance traveled in an interval of time.


    • Do the check your understanding quizzes.
    • note any questions you find difficult or confusing



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