Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Welcome to Physics Class!  Welcome to the Blog!
 Why a Blog?
Click on the links below to find out.  Post your comments below.
What are some of the major advantages of a blog?
What are some of the disadvantages?

21st Century Skills (Learning Objectives)

Communication and Collaboration


  1. A major advantage of using a blog is being able to access class resources quickly at home or on the go.

    1. Agreed. A blog also gives us the ability to ask for help and or help someone with something they don't understand.

  2. An advantage of using the blog is being able to have a discussion about a certain top with your classmates

  3. A disadvantage of using the blog is that you might miss something important on it because you forgot to check.

  4. An advantage of using the blog is that topics that cannot be covered in class can be discussed online. These topics are applicable to what was covered in class but give every student the opportunity to voice their opinion, especially the ones that don't speak up. The downfalls of a blog can be when students forget to check consistently and end up missing quite a few assignments/posts. This was actually one of the biggest problems for me last year, so hopefully this year will be different.

  5. An advantage of using the blog is that if you ever need anything you can check the blog. Students can ask questions and have them answered by other students which then can generate discussions. This is a great way to share opinions as well. A disadvantage is that if you do not check the blog everyday or have a problem with your computer at home, you may miss an assignment or important information.

  6. An advantage to blogging is that it provides an environment where students can interact amongst their peers by asking questions, answering them, and providing extra information. Classmates can help other classmates out through this platform, which includes the ones who asked the questions, and the ones who are reading the discussions. A disadvantage is that a blog can sometimes be quite demanding, and if there is little to no participation in the blog, the blog is unable to allow for such discussions to take place.

  7. An advantage of using the blog is that students could communicate ideas to other students and the teacher online, almost as a class discussion over the computer. This could result in more engagement with students in the class who don't want to speak up, help prepare students for a test by having a way to ask questions as they are studying, and help with homework. A disadvantage would be if internet access is not available, then the blog can not be checked. Also, keeping updated would be difficult without any notification.

  8. An advantage of the blog is efficiency. The teacher can address the class as a whole with homework as well as frequently asked questions. It also allows other students to be able to help answer questions and get a lot of help from others as well. It encourages discussion between students that might not regularly happen in class. A disadvantage is the need for internet. If your internet is down for one day, someone could miss a whole assignment.

  9. An advantage of having the blog is that it is open 24/7, meaning students can discuss topics and ask questions whenever they want. This allows for discussion beyond the classroom, and if something is not clear on the blog, it can be discussed the next day in class. A disadvantage is if someone's internet is not working, they will miss the homework on the blog and will not be able to participate in the discussion.

  10. An advantage of the blog is that it allows students to share ideas and ask each other questions. Our peers our one of our greatest resources. The blog will give us easy access to them and help students to have discussions that help to draw conclusions. A disadvantage is that the Internet is not always reliable. People frequently lose connection, making it difficult for them to reach the blog. Despite this, the blog will be a great tool for the class!

  11. An advantage to having a blog is that anyone can use it anytime. If a student owns a smartphone or has access to a computer in class, they are able to access the blog to see what the assignment/homework is. If a student is absent from class/school, they can access the blog to see what assignment they missed. A disadvantage to the blog is that it can sometimes not be trusted. If the blog shuts down, the website is not up, or there is a problem with the internet, students won't be able to access the blog and could possibly miss an assignment that is due.

  12. An advantage of using the blog is that students can ask questions of their own, answer questions of others, and discuss topics with other classmates or the teacher. The blog is always accessible electronically and can be one of the best ways to clear up any confusion on topics learned in class. Being able to discuss the subject with classmates while not in the classroom will definitely be very beneficial. A disadvantage of the blog is if students were not for some reason to have access to the internet, they would not be able to use the blog. Also if students forgot to check the blog, they might miss some assignments.

  13. There are quite a few advantages associated with blogging that I feel outweigh any disadvantages. I'll start out with the only disadvantage I can think of: blogs are not private. Prepare for ridicule. On the other hand, maybe a lack of privacy could prove to be beneficial. Instead of emailing a teacher personally to ask for help on a question or to spark a topic for conversation, why not post on a blog? By asking a question where other people can publicly view and respond, you'll be getting not just the feedback of one individual, but feedback from many individuals. And hey, all these individuals have their own opinions! Imagine getting into a debate over, say, what percentage of the national budget should go towards funding mohair farmers in Wisconsin. Would you rather go back and forth with one person, or would you rather experience the opinions of many more people? One of the common social problems these days, as addressed in class, is that communication is becoming a barrier with people, both verbally and through written word and text. All great ideas and concepts in physics had to be communicated somehow. If those ideas weren't communicated, there would never be tests to prove those ideas, and those ideas would never affect the world. My point is, PEOPLE IN THIS VERY CLASS COULD HAVE LIFE CHANGING IDEAS, which could lead to changing the world of physics as we know it. This blog, our blog, is a chance for all of us to share ideas, get help, and help others. It's easy to use, it's convenient with the use of our cellular phones, and it's actually pretty fun. Blogging is a lifestyle that we should all accept (put that in the quote book).

  14. Blogging can be very helping while trying to communicate and connect with other people who share your questions and interests. In some way however, blogging can be a disadvantage because technology cannot always be depended upon. If someone's internet is out, and they cannot see the assignment, it can result in a poor grade. Blogging can both help and complicate things in the classroom environment.

  15. A major advantage of the blog is that it has a system of efficient communication. Just like social media, this blog could be used to not only to communicate but to eradicate CONFUSION. The confusions start when students struggle in tough lessons, and when there is a busy schedule for the Physics class. This blog can organize a messy schedule. Students tend to do better in a class when they have access to a site where they can get help from others and teach the materials they already know. Now, there is one disadvantage of the blog which can interfere with the whole purpose of the blog. If students do not go to the blog, ideas will not be shared and there will be no efficient communication. If students use other alternatives for the blog such as group chat, there will be many students who would not be able to access information and receive help. So everyone will have to post their questions and ideas in order to get the most out of it.

  16. One major advantage of using a blog is that every student can read what the teacher and other students write. This allows us to have group conversation like we do in class instead of having several one on one conversations. The main disadvantage of a blog is that if someone has a technological difficulty or can't check the blog for some reason, they may not be able to complete their work.
