Friday, September 12, 2014

Physics B Popn

Major Objectives:
*Relating real world phenomenon to mathematical models 
Measurement techniques
      Sig Figs
*Experimental design
Review of Kinematic Equations

Feel free to post to your fellow classmates any questions.  They should be specific.  Here is a a bad example,
How do you do this?
Good example:
How do I solve when I only have one variable?
Ans:  see your diagram you know the velocity at multiple times and place represented in the diagram.  You also know the value of the acceleration after it leaves the table....  
NOTE: the things you did last year were not ideas to be forgotten but skills to be transferred.  We did them because they worked and still do...

Complete THis FORM


  1. I don't know how to solve the time of the pop if I don't have the proper equipment, but I did find the speed of the popper when it pooped. I used hangtime from last year and the velocity of the object and acceleration. Some one please help me( Mr. Crane and Anapole).

    1. I used the hang time equation and plugged in the radius instead of the change in position to find out how long the popping sound lasts.

  2. I resubmitted my information because after class today I realized that my acceleration was incorrect.

  3. I resubmitted my answers because my acceleration wasn't correct.
