Monday, December 29, 2014

In the ? Day of physics...

Play the game.
What are the key factors?
What are the questions?

Sunday, December 28, 2014

5th day of physics...

My physics teacher gave to me a 1meter cube of water.  
How many ml of water is this?
How many grams?

Friday, December 26, 2014

Loop d loop

So every thing is always annidea until you put your money where your mouth is...  Watch the video.
Run the numbers!  
Do they agree?  
If not why?  
What is the force the track exerts on the car at the top of the loop?
What if the top of the track were missing?  How would effect the result?
Does the observation below match your prediction?

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

12 Days of Physics

On the first day of physics...
Discuss the max and mins

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Centripetal Force

  • Identify when Fc or ac is occurring.
  • Create a proper FBD
  • Develop an equation that is the sum of the Forces
  • Solve for specified quantities
"When Pigs Fly"
Use only the forces to calculate the above?
Use the Motion of the object to verify?

Problems & PSS for forces
Draw FBD
Identify Forces
Choose FOR
Break problem into smaller pieces by object or direction or both
write equations from FBD.
See These Examples
(Follow the directions at the top of the page)  or open link on iOS livescribe app

Friday, December 5, 2014

Universal Questions

What is Telstar 1?
Why is its invention so important how sis it differ from sputnik?
Describe geosynchronous orbit?
What is asynchronous orbit?
Calculate the conditions required to achieve this on Earth.