Friday, March 6, 2015

Snow day...

Mr. Crane shovels his 24ftX125ft driveway the snow is 10 in deep.  He throws the snow 4ft in the air before it comes to rest 3ft away.  How much work did he do on the snow?
Answer:0joules  work is defined as the measurable change of the KE of an object...  So could you determine which snow has more energy after the driveway was cleared? (NO)
A different question would be how much work did Mr. Crane do?
Wcrane=PE+KE of snow@ the top or bottom when it hits...

Do these guided problems below.  We are running tight to our schedule due to snow days.


  1. Where exactly are the problems we have to do? I'm confused on which link we click on after we go to the wiley link from above

  2. I have the same question as Nicole

  3. I am also having trouble viewing the questions on wiley.
