Thursday, October 13, 2016


Do you agree?  If not state why.


  1. Dan Nachtigall- Compared to my answers for the table, these are very different. For finding acceleration, I used the slope v/t which is A, so +or- slope is +or- acceleration. For velocity, I simply used the Y values which are velocity, above Y axis positive below Y axis negative or Y axis Zero. For position I Frame of Reference the start of the graph to the point and then used the change I saw to determine position. My values are A:Zero,Zero,Pos B:Pos,Pos,Pos C:Zero, Zero, Neg D:Neg,Neg,Neg E:Neg,Neg,Pos F:Pos,Pos,Neg.

  2. You are correct in how you are thinking.
    In A however the velocity is 0 (true)
    the position in not 0
    Think about this:
    an object has a negative velocity going to 0 velocity

    Everyday words
    A boat travel backwards and then stop.
    Is there any way for the boat to be at its starting point?
    No. it must be to the left of the origin on an #line with the + direction being to the right.

    Hint: there is a much easier mathematical clue to tell you the same thing. Can any one help out?

  3. What is under the graph for velocity vs Time graphs is displacement also we have the graphing test on Tuesday.
