Thursday, October 2, 2014

It Does not Matter where you start but where you end up!

  • Yes this is hard.  This is a college level course.
  • I understand.
  • You need to come and talk to me if you are having issues "communicate" (ABC's)
    • Those who have already have shown a marked improvement
  • I am currently failing.  Science= Failure
    • In order to truly learn anything there is a cost!
    • Are you willing to Pay
      • click link above if the answer is yes read on if not seek guidance
    • If you are learning how is that a failure?
  • We have 5 weeks left until the end of the MP and opportunity.


  1. Thank You very much :)
    -Neil Patel

  2. You guys are important we are trying to do something great here. There are no short cuts to greatness "None" ask Lance Armstrong.
